The City of La Vernia is thrilled to announce our upcoming 4th of July Parade for the year 2024. This year's theme is "Land of the Free, Home of The Bears". We want to invite all businesses, organizations, schools, and communities to participate in this year's parade.

Parade entries will line up by first come first serve behind the La Vernia High School. Volunteers will be available to help you find your spot.

This is with the exceptions of the Officials and Emergency Vehicles.

The parade will start at 10:00 AM.

Please try to maintain a safe distance between your entry and the preceding entry along the entire parade route. We suggest a 2-3 car length distance.

All flatbed trailers MUST be enclosed with rails for everyone’s safety.

All marching and performing entries must maintain a constantly forward-moving direction while on the parade route. You will not be allowed to stop and perform along the parade route!

Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the forming area, parade route, and disbanding area is strictly prohibited and WILL NOT be allowed.

The City of La Vernia assumes NO responsibility for accidents or loss of any kind.

Parade Committee reserves the right to refuse any entries not conforming to family-oriented quality and high standards. Failure to comply with all parade rules may result in removal from the parade.